The Journey Begins

There’s a steady buzz of traffic and a cool autumn breeze flowing through the windows as the sun sets on another Monday. The flutter of the wind and the gentle hum of the ceiling fan above make my stray hairs dance and tickle the sides of my face. I’m calm, I’m collected – and yet I have every reason not to be… for now I am without a home and without a job.

No job and no home. A sentiment that would stir with the comfort zones of any average young person. Something we all fear, something we all hope we never have to endure. No walls, no ceiling, no wage to call our own? Scary.

For the past ten years I have slowly transformed from a carefree, cadbury fresher who could cram as much study content as she could $3 vodkas at the uni bar – to now, a political adviser that rises before the sun – consumer and producer of news, ideas, vision. My path has taken me from the humble days of Woolies checkout chick, to television journalist, to PR professional. As my sleeping patterns and social life flailed, my passion always remained. My passion, and my drinking habits, if I’m to be honest.

As I sit here on Mum’s cushy brown sofa jobless, homeless, but not without a big glass of red… I reflect on my passion. The words, the stories, the people, the vision… My heart still beats for it – for the words, the stories, the people… only for now, my vision has changed – and it’s terrifying, but invigorating.

 My husband and I are standing on a cliff edge about to bend our knees, push off the ground and jump – hand in hand, we are ready for an adventure of a lifetime, a trip around Australia – a new vision. The stars have aligned, we’re ready to go, and my heart starts to race. Have we made the right decision? Should we stay and enjoy the comfort and security of good jobs and a good home? I’ve never done anything so terrifying, so uncertain – but as my chest tightens and I feel waves of anxiety wash over me, a spark ignites deep in my soul and I am reminded it’s time and we’re ready.

We have one life. Just one. It’s taken me several months of thinking, worrying and doubting to push through the fear and remember that simple fact. While we are busy chasing money or status or recognition, the simple beauty of life can slip away so quickly.

I hear a high pitch ramble from the kitchen and I wake from my typing trans. My family is busy chattering away in the kitchen while my husband nods off to the television on my left and I smile.

On the eve of our big adventure around Australia, I come to realise that we may not have a house, but we do have a home. We may not have jobs, but we have opportunity. We have the chance to broaden our horizons and discover new places, people and passions we haven’t even encountered yet.

Now we may not have walls, a ceiling or a wage, but we have a rare opportunity to embrace our youth and make memories that last far longer than any weekly pay cheque. It’s not forever, but it’s right now and we’re grabbing this chance with both hands.


enlightenmeemily View All →

A lover of the written word.

Journalist by trade, writer by hobby. Writing fuels my soul and I promised myself I’d string words together more often, so here I am.

A collection of pieces that describe the inner workings of my mind.

4 Comments Leave a comment

  1. Oh Emily I am so proud of you! I remember having these same emotions before I left for the unknown in Canada! It was the best decision of my life; I wouldn’t change it for the world and if the oppertuntu arose again I would jump at it. Have the best time, I look forward to following the journey!

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